I am processing 2A -level Sentinel2 products (directly from Copernicus using the sentinelsat package in Python). Some of them contain clouds, and I want to mask those clouds. Since the cloud masks in the SCL (Scene Classification Layer) product that come with the 2A products from Copernicus are not great, I want to use masks generated by s2cloudless.
To apply the s2cloudless package, I need the corresponding 1C products because the algorithm only works on the 1C product. When I download the product metadata for my bounding box using sentinelsat's SentinelAPI 'query' function, I get about 6000 results (of which exactly half is 2A and the other half 1C). I do not understand however which 2A product corresponds to which 1C product (so essentially; which 2A product was produced from which 1C product). I need this so I know to which 2a product the cloud mask I produce using the 1C product will belong. The 2A products do have a 'level1cpdiidentifier', though these do not correspond to the 1C product identifiers and there is no description I could find that explains how I can use this identifier. Can anyone explain to me how I can best connect the 2A products to their 1C counterparts?
I've also tried directly downloading the pre-calculated s2cloudless masks from Earth Engine and sentinelhub for the L2A products I already have (I would like to do this without interrupting my current workflow). This did not seem to work without getting a paid subscription.