I am trying to download alos-2 data from Google Earth Engine as follows.
var alos2 = ee.ImageCollection('JAXA/ALOS/PALSAR-2/Level2_2/ScanSAR').select(['HH','HV','LIN']);
var region=ee.Geometry.Rectangle([105.1,10.5,106.1,9.0]);
var point=ee.Geometry.Point([105.6,9.75]);
var dataset = alos2.filterBounds(region).filterDate('2018-10-01','2018-12-31');
var imageList = alos2.toList(100)
var image = ee.Image(imageList.get(2));
The problem was only a very small size tif file (only 500kb) was saved in the Google drive directory, whose values were broken (i.e., all values were zero when I checked the data from GUI based remote sensing software). I think something is wrong with my GEE code, since file is size supposed to be much greater than this.
I tried to use python_gdal to check the pixel values as follows but still all pixel values were zero.
FileSource = r'./alos2test.tif'
dataSource = gdal.Open(FileSource)
array = np.array(dataSource.GetRasterBand(3).ReadAsArray()).astype("uint16")
What is wrong?