I have a raster layer of land-use in my country, and a set of points I'm interested in calculating the land use around (in 1km, 5km, etc., buffer zones). I have read through some of the related posts on this forum but don't seem to be able it figure it out. What I've tried so far is:
- Create buffer zones around my points with length 1km.
- Clip raster by mask layer of buffer zones.
The problem with this approach is that my clipped raster layer does not distinguish between the many points that I have, so I cannot estimate or save land use around specific points, only average land use in my clipped layer.
Another idea sometimes mentioned in posts is the Spatial Analysis toolbox, but I don't have access to this.
The only approach I can think of left is to create a loop in Python that goes through each point I have, creates a buffer, clips the raster by the buffer, and saves the land use data from that run in a vector, cycling through all of my points. I am wondering if this is the fastest approach.
Is this the right thing to be doing?
What I mean by "calculating land use" - The raster layer I have is categorised by different land uses (e.g., urban, water, ice and snow). I have points, I want to create a buffer around each point (for example, of 1 km), and then for each buffer, I want to know what the land use proportion is.
Ideally, I would end with a database that lists the points I have and the land use proportion around them. Point 1 has 40% urban land use in a 1km area, 20% forest. Point 2 has 30% urban land use, 15% forest, and so on.