I'm trying to export a TIF image from a satellite image (from plugin "QuickMapServices").
I tried several ways like :
- Saving raster layer as GeoTIFF (the simple option ("export" from the drop-down menu of the layer)
- The algorithm "Convert map to raster"
- Export the map as .tif from the print composer (I changed the dpi from 300 to 1800, but it doesn't change anything).
As you can see on the image below, the current satellite image has a higher resolution than my exports. Even when I set the columns/rows resolution to 1.
Do you think I could export data with the same resolution ?
Here are my setting when I export the image :
CRS : EPSG 3857 - WGS84 / Pseudo-Mercator Extent : I use a shapefile map extent Resolution Horizontal: 0.5 / Vertical: 0.5
There is still a difference in the result.