How can I import vector Building Footprints into QGIS from the Open Sourced updated Bing Footprints found here: https://minedbuildings.blob.core.windows.net/global-buildings/dataset-links.csv - maybe as an easily importable JSON file? I am specifically looking for the building footprints for Bahrain. Is there perhaps a QGIS plugin which imports csv.gz files into QGIS? There is a guide however this makes it more confusing as I am not familiar with Python: https://github.com/microsoft/GlobalMLBuildingFootprints/blob/main/scripts/make-gis-friendly.py

1 Answer 1


The easier way is to download the .gz csv files



unzip the file and rename the .csv to .geojson

load into qgis.

Note: you will want to check the quality of the building polygons - you will need to clean up the data.

enter image description here

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