I am trying to use a for loop which would produce the zonal statistics of multiple rasters at shapefile points and then add each raster stat to the shapefile.
I've gotten it to add a column, but I don't know how to make the column change the name from 'max' to what the raster is or an abbreviation of it so it doesn't add the rest of the zonal_stats output.
import rasterstats as rs
from raster2xyz.raster2xyz import Raster2xyz
import os, fnmatch
inputFolder = "C:/585L/PROJECT/precip/clipped_2016/"
fire_ign = gpd.read_file("C:/585L/PROJECT/fire_points/fire_pts_clip2016_2021.shp")
fire_ign_slim = fire_ign[['FIRE_YEAR', 'MTBS_FIRE_', 'DISCOVERY_', 'FIRE_SIZE', 'LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE', 'FIPS_NAME', 'geometry']]
def findRasters (path, filter):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, filter):
for file in fnmatch.filter(files, filter):
yield os.path.join (root, file)
for raster in findRasters (inputFolder, '*.bil'):
stats = rs.zonal_stats(fire_ign_slim,
stats = "max")
statsdf = pd.DataFrame(stats)
df_redux = pd.concat([statsdf, fire_ign_slim], axis = 1)
Results in:
616.276001 2016 CLARK 8/4/2016 2819.0 37.798889 -118.922500 Mono County POINT (-118.92249 37.79888)
The clipped_2016 folder has 13, one for each month of the year and an annual, rasters in it though, and I would like to see the max of all 13 rasters with an appropriate name.
So it might read something like:
FIRE_YEAR MTBS_FIRE_ DISCOVERY_ FIRE_SIZE LATITUDE LONGITUDE FIPS_NAME geometry ppt_201601 ppt_201602 ppt_201603 ppt_201604
2016 CLARK 8/4/2016 2819.0 37.798889 -118.922500 Mono County POINT (-118.92249 37.79888) some number from raster some number from raster some number from raster some number from raster
But I am stuck on figuring out how to take each zonal stat from each point from each raster and putting those numbers into a df with unique column named from the raster it was taken from.
And this is how my clipped_2016 folder looks if it is helpful: