In QGIS, I am trying to update a feature based on entries made on a nested form (relation).


  • Layer1 has Field1 that should capture the value of Field 2, and field in Layer2
  • Layer2 is nested in the form of Layer1 via a Relation.

The problem I have is that when I'm creating a feature this way, the get_feature() function won't get the value because it is not actually written in Layer2 until the editing is done, so the feature remains empty. If I then go back to the attribute table and update anything, the get_feature() will work, but I want this to happen without having to manually update every entry I do.

I tried several ways to use current_value() to get the value being edited in Layer2 but didn't find a way to make it work...

To test this, I'm using something as simple as this:

if(get_feature('Layer2', 'ID_OBS_Layer1', "ID_OBS_Layer2") is not NULL, 1, 2)

as a default value (with an update) for my field entry. This work for a feature where the editing is closed, but not while it is being edited.


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