I'm using QGIS 3.28 and I need to find the furthest point from an certain origin.
For reference, this is a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) project.
Imported data:
- The pink dot on the center is the point of origin;
- The thinner green lines are the underground FTTH cables;
Created data:
- 4 polygons (blue, green, purple and red) that divide a bigger zone;
- The thicker lines (blue, red, purple and green) belong to a multistring layer I created. The purpose of them is to represent the path the cable does from the starting point (pink dot) to the furthest point (blue circle);
- The blue circles I manually placed them on the furthest place from the point of origin (while bearing in mind the path that the cable does).
So, what I need in QGIS is to create an easier and faster way to find the places I manually found and placed the blue circles. Until now I tried to merge the underground cables layer (from numerous features to a single one - MultiLineString), create a shape containing the point of the starting point and using several tools and methods: Shortest path, Least Cost Path, Distance Matrix, Youtube and forums... And I haven't managed to find a way to do it.