Im trying to calculate the area of terrestrial protected areas in Google Earth Engine using the polygons from the world database on protected areas. I'm iterating over a list of countries and for each country only selecting terrestrial polygons and dissolving them so that it dosen't count polygons inside other polygons yet my results differ quite a bit from the numbers I get from, which uses the same data set and I'm not quite sure why.
Here's my code:
var dataset = ee.FeatureCollection('WCMC/WDPA/current/polygons');
var protected_terrestrial = dataset.filter(ee.Filter.and(
ee.Filter.eq('MARINE', '0'),'STATUS_YR', 2016),
ee.Filter.neq('STATUS', 'proposed')));
var countries = ee.List(['NIC', 'CRI', 'PAN', 'COL', 'VEN', 'SUR', 'ECU', 'PER', 'BRA', 'BOL', 'PRY', 'URY', 'ARG', 'SLE', 'LBR', 'CIV', 'GHA', 'TGO', 'BEN', 'NGA', 'CMR', 'GNQ', 'GAB', 'COD', 'COG', 'RWA', 'UGA', 'KEN', 'TZA', 'MOZ', 'MWI', 'AGO', 'ZWE', 'ZMB', 'BWA', 'ZAF', 'MDG', 'THA', 'IND', 'MMR', 'LAO', 'VNM', 'KHM', 'MYS', 'IDN', 'PHL', 'PNG', 'TLS']);
// Create a list to store the results
var results = [];
// Loop over the countries and calculate the protected area for each country co
untries.evaluate(function(countries) {
countries.forEach(function(country) {
var selected = protected_terrestrial.filter(ee.Filter.and(
ee.Filter.eq('PARENT_ISO', country),
ee.Filter.neq('STATUS', 'proposed')));
//Dissolve polygons inside each other so that it creates one polygon for the entire country
var all = ee.FeatureCollection(selected).geometry().dissolve();
var polygonArea = all.area({'maxError': 1});
var polygonareakm = ee.Number(polygonArea).divide(ee.Number(1000000));
// Add the results to the list
results.push([country, polygonareakm]);
// Export the results as a CSV file to Google Drive
collection: ee.FeatureCollection( {
return ee.Feature(null, {country: row[0], protected_area: row[1]});
description: 'protected_areas_by_country',
fileFormat: 'CSV'