Problem - no images appear in 'Layer Preview' screens - just the frame.

I have had no previous installation of GeoServer on Windows - so I followed the steps recommended.

First, I installed Java using OpenJDK17

Then installed GeoServer 2.23. The installer looked for, but could not find Jdk-17, so I poined it to C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk- (the 'Java_Home' directory)

GeoServer seems to be working fine - connected to PostGIS - layers being accessed and identified.

But, when I do a layer preview on demo layers, my PostGIS layers etc., I get 'empty maps' - no images.

I suspected this is a Java issue so I've reinstalled both OpenJDK17 and GeoServer with no improvement.

Observations: The Windows installer for GeoServer cannot find JDK17 by itself, it has be shown the path. JDK 17 is the version of Java that comes up when I run "Java -version' in the command line. The Server Status screen does not work - it throws a HTTP ERROR 500 javax.servlet.ServletException:

  • Try with Java 11 - Java 17 support is still experimental. Also look in the GeoServer log and see what is shows
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Mar 23, 2023 at 8:42
  • Thank you Ian, I uninstalled Java 17, installed Java 11 from Oracle, and re-installed GeoServer - and was pleasantly surprised - everything is working as it should. Commented Mar 23, 2023 at 20:03


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