I've been searching through several web pages and haven't found an answer. I work in QGIS, usually with EPSG:25830 because my projects are mainly located in Spain but when representing a larger area I find it difficult to choose the best option. I was wondering if there's something like a web page where you can set the extent of your project so it suggests you the best options? I've been unable to find such a thing in the epsg.org web page, for example.
In QGIS, according to QGIS Documentation, the CRS Selector
"gives you a rough preview of the geographic area for which a selected CRS is valid for use". For example:
Given that there are hundreds of different CRSs and not all of them have a self-explaining name or description, selecting them one by one and have a look at the area that they best cover is not an option. So what I was looking for was a kind of a "reverse" system, i.e. where you could set the extent of your project and it gave you back a list of suggested CRSs. Something that could help in answering questions like "which are the best CRSs to create a map for the Mediterranean basin?".