My project has three lines representing three routes along town streets. All three routes lie on the same street for part of their lengths; two of them lie on the same street for another part of their lengths. (The lines have been offset for visibility, but in fact, I do not want them to offset at all, except as described below.)
Possibly key information: each line is in its own separate shapefile layer.
I want to display the routes offset from one another only where their geographic positions coincide - I do not want to offset line features along their entire length.
After some reading online, I think I need to select the line segments that over- or under-lie each other and offset just those segments. An alternative: select those line segments that overlie/underlie and create new line segments that are parallel and offset by some specified distance.
I have tried to follow this suggestion: Visualizing effectively transport transit lines in QGIS (that is, following Answer 1 by @Babel). I do not get any results - no segments are selected, and no new features are created. Messing around with Layer Properties > Symbology > Single Symbol > Line > Geometry Generator has not led me anywhere; I don't know enough to make this system work for me.
How to do this?