I have lat-lng coords in EPSG:4326, and I'm calculating the distance between them (in metres).
Since these are in Australia (and Australia wide, therefore no specific MGA zone projections), I'm using the Australia wide (metres) projection EPSG-3112 (if there's a better EPSG projection for measuring distance Australia wide, please let me know).
I'm wondering if a discrepancy of ~0.5% / 0.4% (compared to Karney output) is normal? From what I understand; Haversine is for spherical, Vincenty is for Ellipsoids, and Karney is a better Vincenty formula?
I am calculating the Karney distance using GeoPy.
Two examples of my measurements are:
- Mildura -> Bendigo:
- EPSG:3112 - 342,215 m
- Karney - 342,675 m
- Mildura -> Shepparton:
- EPSG:3112 - 384,180 m
- Karney - 384,358 m
But I also have similar discrepancies of 0.4% at smaller scales.