I have a property layer from a WMS link https://ext-geodata-nationella.lansstyrelsen.se/arcgis/rest/services/LM/lst_lm_infoklick/MapServer
I want to load into my maps but I can only seem to load it properly in ArcGIS Online, not ArcMap 10.8.1, ArcGIS Pro 2.6.3 nor QGIS 3.22.11. In QGIS it says, "Failed to parse capabilities".
I read the answer to the same question here (Can't load WMS service, "Failed to parse capabilities") and they said "the service doesn't allow GetCapabilities requests."
I must be running into a different error though if I can still load it in ArcGIS Online. Are there some settings I'm missing when adding the WMS link to any offline maps? Or is this link only available in an online map?