I want to classify imagery from different regions with a classifier trained in one specific region. My training and test dataset contains polygons which are assigned to 4 different classes (class 0 - class 3). I can run my classification and get some results but if I examin the classifier I created, it turns out, it only has 3 assigned classes:
I do not understand why class 1 seems to be missing. I checked my input file several times, I exported it again from GIS to be sure the asset I use contains all data I need. But still there is no class 1.
I am not sure what part of my code I should post here as my code is running fine. Also as I said, my input data is fine. Anyone maybe experienced sth. like this before and has some advise how to get all classes in my classifier?
Nevertheless, here is a link to my running script: https://code.earthengine.google.com/9541fdd845f93754d0d36e7e0c26cb44