Just give some context: I have two streetnetworks of which I want to convey attributes from one network to the other. However, the networks are geometrically diverging, so not overlapping, so that I will need to (partially) manually copy the attributes from one layer to the other. As I have to make this very, very often, it would be awesome, to have some tool, which supports this manually copy-pasting process.So, for example, by first defining from which layer I want to copy values and from which field and also to which layer and its field I want to paste values. I imagine that you could then just click on one feature in the copy-layer, and then click the relevant feature of the paste-layer, which then probably opens a combo box, where I can see both features and the to be copied value and then just clicking 'ok, which would then convey the value from the copy-layer-feature to the paste-layer-feature. Something like this. Hope this is understandable.
Is there a plugin in QGIS which does this, or helps in any way to copy-paste attribute values between features of two layer?
Of course, I did some research on this, and tried to find a plugin, but couldn't find any.
If there are other tipps, on how to semi-automate this kind of process, I'm happy to hear about!