I have a feature collection containing 100 points and a raster of ice present in Greenland. My goal is to calculate the distance between each individual point and the patch of ice closest to that point. I have used the following code but the export results in all zeroes.
var ROI = ee.Geometry.Polygon([-51.835,66.947],
var points = ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints({
region: ROI,
points: 100,
seed: 0,
maxError: 1
var gimp_mask = ee.Image('OSU/GIMP/2000_ICE_OCEAN_MASK');
var ice = gimp_mask.select('ice_mask').eq(1).reduceToVectors({
geometry: ROI,
scale: 90,
crs: 'EPSG:4326',
maxPixels: 1e13
var proxToIce = ee.FeatureCollection(points).map(function(feat){
var point = feat.geometry();
var dist = ice.distance({'right': point, 'maxError': 1})
return feat.set({'distance': dist})
collection: proxToIce,
folder: 'variable_data',
description: 'iceDit_data_test',
fileFormat: 'CSV'
I have also tried calculating distance from the ice using a Euclidean kernel and using reduceRegions with the point data but this is too memory intensive for the scale I am operating on (the ROI and number of points in the code above are for example only).
Any help on what I may be doing wrong or an alternative way of approaching this would be greatly appreciated.