Is it possible to create and edit mosaic datasets via web tools / geoprocessing services?
I managed to publish and run a script tool performing an intersect with two shape files.
import arcpy
a = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
b = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
arcpy.analysis.Intersect([a, b], f"{arcpy.env.scratchGDB}\\intersected", "ALL")
arcpy.SetParameter(2, f"{arcpy.env.scratchGDB}\\intersected")
When I try it with the project home GDB path in the registered folder instead of the scratchGDB, I get an empty feature class and map layer. The two input parameters of the script tool are of type shapefile. I kept "add optional output feature service parameter" checked for the derived output parameter whilst publishing, so the output lands in a feature service and the map.
When I try to do something similar for creating a mosaic dataset, I get either broken project datasource
or no error and no output. For example when writing the MD to the scratch GDB:
ERROR 000732: Mosaic Dataset: Dataset C:\Users\HACKEN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\37\ArcGISProTemp74484\scratch.gdb\S_col does not exist or is not supported
Failed to execute (MakeMosaicLayer).
I have tried it with the Model Builder, scripts and MDCS. I have tried using an existing Mosaic Layer. does not recognize the Mosaic dataset in the input. Do I have to work with image services on the image server for intermediate results?
import arcpy
arcpy.CreateMosaicDataset_management(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "mosaic_dataset","25832", "1","8_BIT_UNSIGNED", "NONE")"{arcpy.env.scratchGDB}\\S_col", "md_lyr")"{arcpy.env.scratchGDB}\\mosaic_dataset", "Raster Dataset",
r"D:\FileShare_AGE\2022-11-24", "#", "#",
"#", "2", "#", "#", "#", "*col.tif", "SUBFOLDERS", "EXCLUDE_DUPLICATES")
arcpy.SetParameter(0, f"{arcpy.env.scratchGDB}\\S_col")
I have tried with datatypes mosaic layer, mosaic dataset, image service and feature class for the output parameter, as well as home gdb instead of scratch gdb.
with the parameter value to the script and report the output.