I am attempting to recalculate a DEM raster from the vertical datum of NAVD88 to the 'new' Canadian vertical datum, which is CGVD2013. I've looked at a few similar questions but they only are geoidal transformation operations in WGS84.
I've tried the following command in the OsGeo4W shell using gdal:
gdalwarp -s_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=NAVD88 +no_defs" -t_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=CGVD2013 +no_def" C:\OneDrive\lidar_in.tif C:\OneDrive\lidar_done.tif
However, gdal tells me either datum is not recognized. I've also input EPSG codes but no such luck. Any tips on this would be welcome.
UPDATE: Trying compound horizontal+vertical datum codes and/or names does not work either, unfortunately. Example: NAD83+NAVD88