I am pretty new to GDAL, and I want to compare two data sets with different projections, specifically a MODIS L2 product and a simulation--both having their longitude/latitude and environmental measurement/simulation as Numpy arrays. These two images do not completely overlap, rather they intersect.
My plan to compare them is to project both data into the same projection and then just compare them pixel-by-pixel, so I would need to generate a GDAL object for both of them, since they're both Numpy arrays, sharing the same geotransform and projection.
I compute the geotransform for both data as such:
nx, ny = data.shape[1], data.shape[0]
x, y = (lon.max() - lon.min()) / float(nx), (lat.max() - lat.min()) / float(ny)
gt = (lon.min(), xRes, 0, lat.max(), 0, -yRes)
And then generate a GDAL object with this transform:
gdal_object = gdal_driver.Create('gdalObj', nx, ny, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
The projection of the GDAL object will then be based on:
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
I then resample both these GDAL objects onto the same resolution:
resampled_data = gdal.Warp('gdalObject', gdal_object, xRes, yRes, resampleAlg = 'bilinear')
My question is then, is this approach on comparing two different data sets with different projections correct or efficient?