I'm looking for the best way to count polylines crossing each raster cell and assign that count value to the raster cell using arcpy.

On input I have a shapefile with hundred thousands of polylines and a raster with all cells 0 values.

The result should be a raster which cells value should be a number of crossing polylines from the shapefile.

Which ArcPy tools should I use to perform this analysis?

1 Answer 1


This could easily be built in model builder. I would:

  1. Convert your raster to points
  2. Convert your points back into a raster but using FID as the value column, this will create unique raster cells
  3. convert this new raster to a polygon dataset
  4. Run the intersect tool, this will give your count of lines per individual pixel.
  5. Join count to polygon and rasterize if required.
  • Great. Regarding point 4: Intersect tool I run like this: arcpy.analysis.Intersect([lines_file, out_grid], out_intersect, "", "", "LINE") It gives me single lines cut to pixel borders. I still need to count lines in the pixels before performing join. Of course now it is easier to count, because I can count using pixels Id. Or is there another way to get count of the lines per pixel? Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 7:02
  • 1
    You are correct, you use the ID and run that through the summary statistics tool, that should be step "4.5". :)
    – Hornbydd
    Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 9:24

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