These aren't "projected" coordinate systems. They are ellipsoidal coordinate systems, designed to precisely map two numbers (a latitude and longitude) to a location on an ellipsoidal model of the planet (where ellipsoidal includes spherical as a special case).
Considering only ellipsoidal geometry for a moment, this means that two points with the same coordinate number values will describe different locations on the two surfaces, so you do have to make sure your data has the correct coordinate system in its metadata. I find it easier to think about an extreme flattened ellipsoid to reason about this, so consider an M+M shape (or Smartie). In this case, the point 45N is very close to the equator, because these are geodetic coordinates, and so 45N is where the angle of the surface is 45 degrees from the N-S pole. On a sphere 45N is half-way.
This will affect distance measurements in the N-S direction. The total distance from the equator (0N) to the pole (90N) is smaller than a similar segment round the equator (0E to 90E) in the flattened model because of the flattening, but also the distance from 0N to 45N is not the same as from 45N to 90N in the flattened model - 0N to 45N is a shorter distance than 45N to the 90N pole (this would be the other way round for geocentric coordinates but lat-long should be geodetic, check the fine details of your coordinate system definition).
Which to use is a matter of application. Assuming Mars is actually more like an ellipsoid with that flattening, and you want distance measurements that need fine accuracy over large areas, then you use the "more correct" ellipsoidal model. The downside is that ellipsoids are more complex shapes than spheres, and so computing distances or projecting to flat coordinates can take longer. So if you are just making illustrative maps then spherical will probably do.
Whichever you use, the important thing is to make sure you know what coordinate system a data set was defined with, and to never change that without transforming the coordinates (or reprojecting a raster) correctly.