I’ve got maps of fish farms which I think might be relevant for my species distribution mode. However these maps are essentially just polygons drawn over individual fish cages. I’ve also got data on aquatic vegetation, depth, etc. which are in raster format. I want to make a new raster from the fish farm polygons, with the same extent and pixel size as the ones for the depth etc., but which includes, as a value in each pixel, the percent of the area which is covered by the polygons. So that if 15% of the area of the pixel was a polygon, the pixel would have a value of .15, if no fish farms were in that pixel, it would have a value of 0, etc.
How would I go about doing this using QGIS?
So far I’ve tried to rasterise the polygons, but that ends up with having rasters where the polygons were with rather odd values on them whose provenance is unknown to me.