I followed the instructions of this article to obtain zonal statistics for the intersection of a raster and polygon. For context, I'm wanting to obtain zonal statistics for every plot within a field experiment. These are the polygons (.gpkg) overlaid on the raster (.tif) in qGIS:

polygons overlaid on raster

This is my implementation of the SQL code:

CREATE TABLE geospatial.ortho06_21_2022_sub_stats AS
    CAST (geo.id AS INTEGER) AS geom_id,
    geo.geom AS geometry,
    COUNT(1) AS n_tiles,
    (ST_SummaryStatsAgg(ST_Clip(raster.rast, geo.geom, true), 1, true)).*
    geospatial.ortho06_21_2022_sub_ndvi AS raster
JOIN geospatial.allbuffers0724_23 AS geo
    ON ST_Intersects(geo.geom, raster.rast)
    geom_id, geometry;

This code seems to produce my desired output, providing summary stats for each of the 1800 polygons, as shown in this table:

geom_id geometry n_tiles count sum mean stddev min max
1 0103000020647F00000100000... 8 7251 5921.466987863183 0.8166414270946328 0.16005520481227006 0.1760474294424057 0.9414851069450378
2 0103000020647F00000100000... 4 7245 6093.110233664513 0.8410090039564545 0.10651537882310805 0.20441795885562897 0.9480032324790955
3 0103000020647F00000100000... 4 7248 5920.850203022361 0.8168943436841005 0.156718020606931 0.22542105615139008 1

However, the ST_SummaryStatsAgg() function does not produce the median, and I can't find any PostGIS functions that can deal with this. Other online information seems pretty scarce as well. Does anyone know how to obtain the median in this context?

1 Answer 1


For each polygon:

  • Clip the raster
  • Convert the pixels to points
  • Extract the raster values from all points
  • Then calculate mean value per polygon id with percentile_cont:
SELECT polyid, PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY rastervalue asc) AS median
    (SELECT poly.id as polyid, (st_pixelaspoints(ST_CLIP(raster.rast, poly.geom))).val as rastervalue
    FROM test.grid_nh_72_7 as poly
    JOIN test.nh_72_7_tiled AS raster
    ON ST_INTERSECTS(poly.geom, raster.rast)) sub
GROUP BY polyid

enter image description here

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