I am trying to create a new point geometry field from this command:

UPDATE cat.datos_parcelas 
SET    arb_geom = ST_SetSRID(ST_Project(geom, arbdist, radians(arbrumbo)), 32631)::geometry;

-- geom: contains the geometry of the origin point in 32631
-- arbdist: contains the distance from the origin to the new point
-- arbrumbo: contains the bearing.

However, I get the following error:

ERROR: Only lon/lat coordinate systems are supported in geography. SQL state: 22023

Any clue how to solve this? Shall I convert first my origin geometry to lat/long?

  • If you've got data in UTM, you can use Cartesian math to shift the location. Transforming to geographic, using ST_Project, and transforming back seems like it would be the hard way.
    – Vince
    Commented Aug 21, 2023 at 11:40

1 Answer 1


I was about to add a simple custom function overload to the answer, for ST_Project to accept GEOMETRY types, but I saw that with PostGIS 3.4 the core function was updated accordingly. So going forward this distinction below will be obsolete!

Two options:

  • Spherical translation of the Point via de-projection into geographical coordinates:
      <geom> = ST_Transform(
                   ST_Transform(<geom>, 4326)::GEOGRAPHY,
    • <distance> is given in meter
    • <bearing> is the azimuth from true north given in radians

  • Cartesian coordinate shift via basic algebra:
      <geom> = ST_SetSRID(
                   ST_X(<geom>) + <distance> * SIN(<bearing>),
                   ST_Y(<geom>) + <distance> * COS(<bearing>)
    • <distance> is given in unit of CRS
    • <bearing> is the azimuth from true north given in radians

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