this is second part of How to convert VICAR data to TIFF.
I was able to get the VICAR data into TIFF form by using VICAR2isis to make a .cub then gdal to make a tiff. (Yes i eventually found out I could have just done it with gdal once but I didn't know yet, I'm new).
That worked, but now when I open the TIFF in ArcGIS Pro, it looks like the map is wrapped differently than other basemaps I have. For example, this is what it should look like:
But it actually looks like this:
As you can see the three volcanos in the shaded relief don't match the three volcanos in the lower image.
How can I fix this using ISIS, GDAL, python etc.?
I tried running this code but it didn't work:
gdalwarp -t_srs MarsMOLAEQC ti16.tif ti16_2.tif -wo SOURCE=EXTRA=1000 --config CENTER_LONG 0