I'm trying to store pure Geometry values in DB2 on a flat plane, no spatial reference or projection, apologies on the nomenclature as I might be a little off, basically planar cartesian coordinates. So from what I can see I need to specify SRID 0. However, it seems I can't store negative values with SRID 0. I have a table with 2 columns "GeometryName" VARCHAR(30) and "GeometryData" DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY. When I try to insert values like so:
INSERT INTO "geometry_tests"."spatial_reference" ("GeometryName", "GeometryData")
VALUES ('PY0', db2gse.ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-1 1, -2 1, -2 2, -1 2, -1 1))', 0))
I get the following error:
SQL Error [38SSG]: Routine "DB2GSE.GSEGEOMFROMWKT" (specific name "GSEGEOMWKT1") has returned an error SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "GSE3416N Coordinate out of bounds.".. SQLCODE=-443, SQLSTATE=38SSG, DRIVER=4.31.10
I tracked this down to negative coordinates. Other SRID's will accept negative values. How am I supposed to store negative coordinates where I don't want a spatial reference system? Just a regular Cartesian plane, with negative coordinates.