I'm running a number of Spatial Functions in DB2 (11.5 LUW) and getting back errors such as:
SQL Error [42884]: No authorized routine named "ST_ENDPOINT" of type "FUNCTION" having compatible arguments was found.. SQLCODE=-440, SQLSTATE=42884, DRIVER=4.31.10
This is happening for a number of spatial functions:
- ST_EndPoint
- ST_Relate
- ST_ExteriorRing
- ST_InteriorRingN
- ST_Intersection
- ST_IsRing
- ST_NumGeometries
- ST_NumInteriorRing
- ST_PointN
- ST_Relate
- ST_StartPoint
Other geometry functions seem to work fine and I'm calling them with db2gse. When I look in the database under the db2gse schema, these functions are indeed missing. Do I have a corrupted database here? Or is there some other way to reference these functions?
I created a brand new database and enabled it for spatial extensions using:
db2se enable_db MYDB
This new database is still missing all the above functions. Am I missing something?