I am attempting to create a magnetic map of Northern Ireland using this dataset (https://www.opendatani.gov.uk/@geological-survey-of-northern-ireland/gsni-tellus-regional-airborne-geophysical-survey-magnetics), which is presented as .csv format. I've been attempting without luck for some time now, either with interpolation/rasterisation outputting blank files to problems with the sheer size of the raw .csv data (16 million rows).
I add the file to QGIS as normal, setting the x, y and what I want to use as the z value. Whenever I attempt to convert the .csv to a vector shapefile for interpolation, the associated .dbf file ends up being enormous (>100gbs) and causes trouble when trying to rasterize. At this point, I'm not sure if its something I'm doing wrong or something is amiss with the raw data itself.