This seemed at first rather easy but turned out to be impossible to solve. I want to plot the wrld_simpl map but coloring the countries with a color gradient that depends on a variable. The countries with no values for the variable should not be filled but still show their borders.

Here is the dataframe with the variable averCL, used to color the polygons


first I merge it with wrld_simpl

ws=merge(wrld_simpl, d, by = "NAME", all.x = TRUE)

Then, I create a color palette for the variation in averCL and give white color to the countries with no values of the variable

ws=merge(wrld_simpl, d, by = "NAME", all.x = TRUE)
levels(ws$col)=colorRampPalette(c("lightpink", "darkred"))(length(levels(ws$col)))

Finally, I thought the countries should be plotted with that color gradient, but no...other colors appear (green..yellow..) instead. Why?

 plot(ws, col =  ws$col)
  • The read.csv doesn't work because a) no quote marks round the URL string and b) for me at least, that URL gets me to the dropbox index page where I have to click the "Download" button to get the data file. Try it with dl=1 at the end.
    – Spacedman
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 14:07

1 Answer 1


Its using the integer value behind the factor for the colouring, and then getting the colour from the current palette.

Convert the factor to character if you want to use a factor column's levels as colouring values:

plot(ws, col=as.character(ws$col))

enter image description here

Also I recommend you convert as much of your workflow to sf and associated spatial data objects, as well as using tmap to make thematic maps.

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