I have a very large JavaScript feature collection (I think - will post a snippet below) and I want to display the vectors in Earth Engine with their attributes.
var lots = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"id": "PlanId",
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[[152.6224, -30.0293], [152.6224, -30.0294], [152.6223, -30.0294], [152.6222, -30.0294], [152.6221, -30.0294], [152.6221, -30.0293], [152.622, -30.0292], [152.6219, -30.0292], [152.6218, ............- 30.0248]]]
"properties": {
"PlanId": "777777777777777",
"PlanName": "2023",
"Planning" }
}, {
"id": "PlanId",
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[[152.6858, -31.5103], [152.6857, -31.5103], [152.6856, -31.5103], [152.6855, -31.5103], [152.6854, -31.5103], [152.6853, -31.5105]
........... etc.1.5103], [152.6854, -31.5103], [152.6853, -31.5105]........ etc.
How can I take this script and convert it into something the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API will produce polygons with?