I have a table called "gebaeude" with all types of buildings in the city. In the following I want to use a Buffer around the central train station that has the id="2" and a radius of 1000m. Then I want to select the building types "kinergarten" and "school" that are within this radius by intersecting them with the buffer. What I did looks like this:

WITH center AS (
     SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 1000) FROM gebaeude 
     WHERE id='2')
SELECT gebaeude.name AS "Name",
        ST_Distance(center.geom, gebaeude) AS Distanz
FROM gebaeude, center
WHERE (gebaeude='school' OR gebaeude.type='kindergarten')
AND ST_Intersects(gebaeude.geom,center.geom);

I get the following error:

ERROR: column center.geom does not exist LINE 5: ST_Distance(center.geom, gebaeude) AS Distanz ^

What am I doing wrong?

  • 3
    Do not do that. This is one of the most infamous misconceptions in spatial computation. You got an answer using ST_DWithin on one of your older posts, and that is the optimal solution!
    – geozelot
    Commented Nov 21, 2023 at 20:16
  • This isn't really a GIS error or PostGIS issue so much as a PostgreSQL/database one, so you probably want to research in Database Administrators as well. The moral of the story here is to always alias function/expression-based columns (so you don't have to memorize how the unnamed field is mapped according to rules in the DBMS).
    – Vince
    Commented Nov 21, 2023 at 21:55

1 Answer 1


If you don't specify column names in the CTE, they will have the same names as in the inner select statement, so here the column would be named st_buffer instead of geom.

You can set the name at the CTE level

WITH center(geom) AS (
     SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 1000) ...

or within the inner select:

WITH center AS (
     SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 1000) as geom ...

But really, don't use a buffer here, it is not the way to go with your issue. Use ST_DWithin instead.

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