I have loaded both raster and lidR packages within RStudio and I am trying to export the IDW DTM files but have been receiving errors about 'format'. I have exported a TIN DTM already however with IDW it will not seem to work?

setwd("C:/Users/niall/OneDrive - Maynooth University/GY641 Aerial Surveys & Drone/LiDAR Assignment/LiDAR Files/Ppointcloud")

las = readLAS("subsubset_ca.las")

dtm_idw <- rasterize_terrain(las, algorithm = knnidw(k = 10L, p = 2))

writeRaster(dtm_idw, filename = "C:/Users/niall/OneDrive - Maynooth University/GY641 Aerial Surveys & Drone/LiDAR Assignment/Lidr/IDW DEM.tif", format = "GTiff")

To which I receive the error:

Error: [write] unknown option(s): format

2 Answers 2


dtm_idw is a SpatRaster from terra. terra::writeRaster does not have format argument. Load terra and remove format

setwd("C:/Users/niall/OneDrive - Maynooth University/GY641 Aerial Surveys & Drone/LiDAR Assignment/LiDAR Files/Ppointcloud")

las = lidR::readLAS("subsubset_ca.las")

dtm_idw <- lidR::rasterize_terrain(las, algorithm = knnidw(k = 10L, p = 2))

terra::writeRaster(dtm_idw, filename = "C:/Users/niall/OneDrive - Maynooth University/GY641 Aerial Surveys & Drone/LiDAR Assignment/Lidr/IDW DEM.tif")

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