How to find the min and max values of a column in a feature collection, disregarding values that cannot be converted to numbers (e.g., "NA"
and "No data"
)? I still need to find a server-side solution for this, and I'm avoiding using getInfo()
because the array returned may be too large.
Consider this feature collection as an example:
var fc = ee.FeatureCollection([
ee.Feature(null, {a: '10', b: '9.80', c: '100'}),
ee.Feature(null, {a: 'NA', b: '1.35', c: '200'}),
ee.Feature(null, {a: 'NA', b: '4.85', c: 'NA'}),
ee.Feature(null, {a: '30', b: 'NA', c: '300'}),
ee.Feature(null, {a: '80', b: '1.25', c: '400'}),