I'm looking for a way to write the feature count at the bottom of the Layer Name, is this possible? Is there a variable?

I know about the feature counting functionality built into QGIS and I know the Python Console command that applies feature counting to all groups, layers etc... but I don't need this.

In the image below I would like a variable to be inserted instead of the word HERE which then makes the feature count appear.

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Here is a PyQGIS solution.

QgsVectorLayer inherits a special method called setName() from the QgsMapLayer class.

Set the display name of the layer.

If it is a one-time action

For a single layer :

# imports
from qgis.core import QgsProject

# getting a layer by its id
layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayer("LAYER_ID")

# getting layer's name
name = layer.sourceName()

# counting features in the layer
n = layer.featureCount()

# setting up a new name
layer.setName(f"{name} [{n}]")

For all vector vector layers shown in the Layers panel :

# imports
from qgis.core import QgsProject, QgsVectorLayer

# getting all vector layers' ids in the project 
ids = [layer.id() for layer in QgsProject().instance().mapLayers().values() if isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer)]

# looping over each layer's id
for id in ids:
    # accessing a layer by its id
    layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayer(id)

    # getting layer's name
    name = layer.sourceName()

    # counting features in the layer
    n = layer.featureCount()

    # setting up a new name
    layer.setName(f"{name} [{n}]")

However, if this operation happens more often, one should think of a more programmatic way of showing the feature count in the layer name.

As an alternative one can also proceed with a Python macro, like in this thread: Is it possible to have dynamic layer names in QGIS project?.



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