I would like to extract roads which are missing bike lanes so that I can map them with Photo Mapping software. With my query below, I am able to fetch roads which are missing the cycleway tag. However, it is still returning roads which have the "cycleway:both" supplementary detail such as "cycleway:both=no". How can I fix my query to exclude such ways?

// gather results
  way["highway"="primary"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
  way["highway"="motorway"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
  way["highway"="trunk"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
  way["highway"="secondary"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
  way["highway"="tertiary"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
  way["highway"="residential"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
  way["highway"="road"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 20);
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

As a corollary, it is making me question whether map edits containing "cycleway:both" should also have "cycleway=yes" since the former is not as widely used.

  • 1
    Note that here are also cycleway:left=* and cycleway:right=* tags. For example with cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:right=track a cycleway is present for both directions whereas cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:right=no specifies that only one direction has a cycleway.
    – scai
    Commented Jan 4 at 11:50

1 Answer 1


I accomplished this with the following:

nwr["highway"="primary"]["cycleway:both"!~".*"]["cycleway"!~".*"]({{bbox}})(if: length() > 1);

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