I am using QGIS Desktop Version 3.34.1

Preface: I am fairly new to QGIS but I have tried to look up the answer before. Example: Changing projection of shapefile in QGIS which does not seem to work.

Problem: A State's mapping system asks that you upload all data using a specific coordinate reference system (CRS). I have created a shapefile with that specific CRS in QGIS. However, when I upload that data into the State's mapping system it relocates my data to Africa. (Despite saying that the CRS is correct).

Resolutions Tried: I tried downloading Shapefile data with the proper CRS from the State's website and launching in QGIS. Without editing the file, I hit "Export As" -Esri Shapefile -Proper CRS. This then moves the previously correct data with the same CRS as my new shapefile to Africa despite it having the proper coordinate system.

Where am I going wrong?

State Mapping System: GranitView

Shapefile Layer: State Data Layer I uploaded to QGIS and hit "Export As" with

This may be a lot of data for some users. It might be faster to go to the State Mapping System make your own test shapefile -this will automatically give your shapefile the EPSG:3437 - NAD83 / New Hampshire (ftUS) which the State asks for.

Coordinate Reference System State Website asks for and uses: Comparison of State vs My Shapefile Data

enter image description here

I have included extent and the Layer Properties information.

@John directed me to the CRS box. They are correct that my default for Project and Layers differed from the projection I wanted and was left on WGS 84. I will definitely keep that in mind in the future. After reprojecting the layer via Vector-> Data Management- > I am still in Africa.

If I start a brand new project with correct CRS Box from above and make a new layer I am still in Africa.

Still Swimming in AfricaIn Africa

Step 1. Start New QGIS Project. Settings->Options->CRS Handling. Make sure that the CRS is EPSG:3437-NAD83/New Hampshire (ftUS)enter image description hereClose the project and start a new one just to ensure that the changes took place. CRS of the project reads. EPSG:3437-NAD83/New Hampshire (ftUS).

Step 2. Take State Data and drop it into my Project. State Data has a projected CRS as EPSG:3437-NAD83/New Hampshire (ftUS). See above picture.

Step 3. Hit "New Shapefile Layer"enter image description here and draw an example shapefile layer. Hit Save layer.

Step 4. Compare newly created Shapefile layer CRS with the imported CRS of the State Data file. CRS are the same. My New Shapefile in QGIS displays nicely and in the correct location as I desire. Example Shapefileenter image description here

Step 5. Launch Granit. Go to "Upload Data" Step 6. Upload newly created Shapefile with matching CRS as Conservation Layer. Step 7. Stare at new Shapefile in Africa.

What I did with NH State Data to get it to Africa:

Load State Data into QGIS see above screenshot. Right Click file layer on left hand screen. -> Export->Save Feature As->ESRI Shapefile with CRS NAD 83. Step 2. Go to Granit. Upload newly exported Data Set into Granit->Moves to Africa.

I believe @Vince is correct that there is something wrong with the extents of the project when they said:

They are very different, but the projection is listed as being the same. That can't be right. This may turn out to be a duplicate of our most frequent duplicate Question.

While the Conservation Layer says NAD 83 it might actually be WGS 84 as when I make a shapefile with the WGS 84 CRS instead of the NAD 83 CRS it places it properly in the States Webmap.

This is my guess unless you see that I have missed something in the process.

I have asked the Webmap to clarify.

  • 4
    Please Edit the Question to include the exact .prj file contents and the extent of the file (minx/miny/maxx/maxy)
    – Vince
    Commented Jan 4 at 19:51
  • 2
    The Question needs to be standalone, not dependent on links. If I need to follow a link to know what your extent is, I'm going to vote to close the question as lacking details.
    – Vince
    Commented Jan 4 at 22:24
  • 1
    What are your settings in the Settings - Options - CRS Handling dialog box? What CRS is your project in looking at Project- Properties - CRS? A common problem is for a user to change a layer's CRS simply by changing its projection definition instead of actually reprojecting it. Thus right clicking on a layer and changing its layer CRS is telling QGIS it has a projection defined but it is not reprojecting it. You only change a definition when the current one is wrong or undefined. To change a correctly defined layer to a new CRS, reproject it.
    – John
    Commented Jan 4 at 23:21
  • 2
    Look at your extents. They are very different, but the projection is listed as being the same. That can't be right. This may turn out to be a duplicate of our most frequent duplicate Question. You need to Reproject data to change coordinate systems for existing data. Do not ever Define a projection on an existing file.
    – Vince
    Commented Jan 5 at 2:41
  • 2
    "I have created a shapefile..." What exactly did you do? "Without editing the file, I hit "Export As" -Esri Shapefile -Proper CRS." What exactly did you do? Screen shots please.
    – Pointdump
    Commented Jan 5 at 17:11

1 Answer 1


Upon further investigation it appears that QGIS is not compatible with the ArcWeb service. Files made on the ArcWeb service are compatible with QGIS but not the other way around.

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