Using GeoServer Docker from https://github.com/geoserver/docker I am unable to change the port of the Tomcat container. As I did not find a server.xml, I tried to set this via the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS and the value -Dcatalina.http.port=8081 as suggested here, but Tomcat is still started on default port 8080. After solving this I would also provide a PR to add this to the docs.

Edit: To add context, I am building up a custom docker-compose.yml file that defines another service running on port 8080, so I need the port changed on container (and container network) level. The services are reverse-proxied on the host machine using Traefik running on host port 80.


1 Answer 1


I resorted to COPY a custom server.xml which looks at ${port.http} into the container. I got the idea from https://github.com/geoserver/docker/pull/39.

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