I am trying to separate permanent waterbody and not-water from Sentinel-1 image in earth engine. To do this I am taking a median and mean image for a month from a range of years and then using Otsu's threshold to get a threshold to separate the two classes.
var roi = ee.Geometry.Polygon([[92.214, 24.121],
[92.214, 25.165],
[91.006, 25.165],
[91.006, 24.121],
[91.006, 24.121]], null, false);
// Function to get all the images for a month for a set year
var jan = function (year) {
var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 1, 1);
var endDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 1, 31);
var filtered = collection.filter(ee.Filter.date(startDate, endDate));
return filtered;
var jul = function (year) {
var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 7, 1);
var endDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, 7, 31);
var filtered = collection.filter(ee.Filter.date(startDate, endDate));
return filtered;
// Otsu's Method
var otsu = function(histogram) {
var counts = ee.Array(ee.Dictionary(histogram).get('histogram'));
var means = ee.Array(ee.Dictionary(histogram).get('bucketMeans'));
var size = means.length().get([0]);
var total = counts.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum(), [0]).get([0]);
var sum = means.multiply(counts).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum(), [0]).get([0]);
var mean = sum.divide(total);
var indices = ee.List.sequence(1, size);
// Compute between sum of squares, where each mean partitions the data.
var bss = indices.map(function(i) {
var aCounts = counts.slice(0, 0, i);
var aCount = aCounts.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum(), [0]).get([0]);
var aMeans = means.slice(0, 0, i);
var aMean = aMeans.multiply(aCounts)
.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum(), [0]).get([0])
var bCount = total.subtract(aCount);
var bMean = sum.subtract(aCount.multiply(aMean)).divide(bCount);
return aCount.multiply(aMean.subtract(mean).pow(2)).add(
print(ui.Chart.array.values(ee.Array(bss), 0, means));
// Return the mean value corresponding to the maximum BSS.
return means.sort(bss).get([-1]);
var collection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD')
.filter(ee.Filter.listContains('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VV'))
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('instrumentMode', 'IW'))
.filter(ee.Filter.or(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', 'ASCENDING'), ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', 'DESCENDING')))
var years1 = ee.List.sequence(2015, 2022); // As Sentinel-1 Was launched in April 4, 2014. Some months only have data from 2015
var years2 = ee.List.sequence(2014,2022);
var janCollection = years1.map(jan);
var julCollection = years2.map(jul);
var all_jan = ee.ImageCollection(ee.FeatureCollection(janCollection).flatten());
var all_jul = ee.ImageCollection(ee.FeatureCollection(julCollection).flatten());
var median_jan = all_jan.median().clip(roi);
var median_jul = all_jul.median().clip(roi);
Map.addLayer(median_jan, {min: -25, max: 0}, 'median_jan', 0);
Map.addLayer(median_jul, {min: -25, max: 0}, 'median_jul', 0);
var mean_jan = all_jan.mean().clip(roi);
var mean_jul = all_jul.mean().clip(roi);
Map.addLayer(mean_jan, {min: -25, max: 0}, 'mean_jan', 0);
Map.addLayer(mean_jul, {min: -25, max: 0}, 'mean_jul', 0);
var threshold_func = function(image) {
var histogram = image.reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.histogram()
.combine('mean', null, true)
.combine('variance', null, true),
geometry: roi,
scale: 10,
bestEffort: true
//print('DEBUG HIST', histogram);
var plot_hist = ui.Chart.image.histogram({
image: image,
region: roi,
scale: 10,
maxPixels: 1e13
print('Histogram', plot_hist);
var threshold = otsu(histogram.get('VV_histogram'));
print('s1 threshold', threshold);
var water = image.lt(threshold).selfMask();
return water;
var jan_water = threshold_func(median_jan);
var jul_water = threshold_func(median_jul);
Map.addLayer(jan_water, {palette: 'blue'}, 'Jan Water', 0);
Map.addLayer(jul_water, {palette: 'blue'}, 'Jul Water', 0);
var jan_water_mean = threshold_func(mean_jan);
var jul_water_mean = threshold_func(mean_jul);
Map.addLayer(jan_water_mean, {palette: 'blue'}, 'Jan Water Mean', 0);
Map.addLayer(jul_water_mean, {palette: 'blue'}, 'Jul Water Mean', 0);
Here's the link to the code too: https://code.earthengine.google.com/efd45e08fed2b79dec04605f79e385fd
The method seems to work pretty well for the month of July, but It's performance is not good in January. It's a lot more noisier. Furthermore, in the mean image there's a line in the middle possibly because that's where two images from sentinel-1 joined in this area of interest.
How do I overcome the problems?