I'm currently working on a project in QGIS and have encountered an issue with formulating a nested conditional statement in the Raster Calculator.
How do I resolve this?
My goal is to perform a raster calculation that prioritizes data from three different raster layers ("National_rp@1", "District@1", and "Water@1"), and uses slope data from a fourth raster ("Slope_rw_rp@1") only if all three of the other raster layers have null values for a particular cell.
I have tried:
if(isnull("National_rp@1") AND isnull("District@1") AND isnull("Water@1"),
6 * 2.71828 ^ (-3.5 * abs("Slope_rw_rp@1" + 0.05)),
if("National_rp@1" = 1, 90,
if("National_rp@1" = 2, 50,
if("District@1" = 1, 70,
if("District@1" = 2, 30,
if("Water@1" = 1, 9999999, 0)
But I get a generic Raster calculation error.
does not seem to be a valid expression, why do you think it is?