I am trying to run a Random Forest Model and was running into memory issues. I was able to work around this by exporting and importing but now I am getting the following error. I have broken the scripts up so this is the second script that include the large composite image I created that I want to classify. Any idea on the best way to convert my featurecollection into float?
Dictionary (Error)
Property 'Class' of feature '00000000000000000000_0': Invalid type.
Expected type: Float.
Actual type: String.
Actual value: 1
My script is below and also found in the link (I believe I shared my assets) https://code.earthengine.google.com/7e8fbd7eeb7486fbe3fae2e2380f1e3a:
//Step 2 Import Predictor Variable composite into this script to work around
//memory issues
//Calculate mean and standard deviation within cluster segments
//Display NSSentComp to confirm it was exported/imported correctly
//SEGMENTATION - Set Sentinel-2 4 band mosaic for segmentation
//Set seeds for segmentation and apply softening
var seeds = ee.Algorithms.Image.Segmentation.seedGrid(36, 'hex');
var kernel = ee.Kernel.gaussian(3);
//Use RGBI and slope bands to create objects.
var segcomp = NSSentComp.select(['B2_median', 'B3_median', 'B4_median', 'B8_median', 'slope']).bandNames();
//Smooth the segmented image
var segcompsmoo = NSSentComp.convolve(kernel);
//Segment Sent/Slope Composite
var snic2 = ee.Algorithms.Image.Segmentation.SNIC({
image: segcompsmoo,
compactness: 0.2,
connectivity: 4,
neighborhoodSize: 64,
seeds: seeds
}).reproject({crs: 'EPSG: 26920',
scale: 5
var clusters2 = snic2.select('clusters')
Map.addLayer(snic2.randomVisualizer(), null, 'clusters2', false);
print(clusters2, "clusters2")
//Calculate stats per cluster for all predictor variables calculating mean and Stdev
var allStats = NSSentComp.reduceConnectedComponents({
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean().combine({
labelBand: 'clusters2',
maxSize: 512
print(allStats, "allstats")
var Clusterstats = allStats;
print (Clusterstats, "Clusterstats"); //print to check bands were created as expected
//Import training samples and train reduced image above
var trainVector = ee.FeatureCollection ('projects/ee-jrgallop/assets/RFTrainingDT');
var trainPoints = Clusterstats.sampleRegions({
collection: trainVector,
scale: 5, //This is the scale we want the clusters to be processed at
tileScale: 16, //want tilesize to be large enough to contain clusters, but too large will produce memory errors
geometries: true, //adding this enables you to export to asset
//print(trainPoints, "trainPoints")
// Export to Asset requires the feature collection to have geometries,
collection: trainPoints,
assetId: 'trainPoints',
//Split training points into training and validation
//var trainPoints = Table;
var trainPoints = trainPoints.randomColumn();
var split = 0.8;
var training = trainPoints.filter(ee.Filter.lt('random', split)); //80% training
var validation = trainPoints.filter(ee.Filter.gte('random', split)); //20% validation
//Train the Classifier
var predictionVar =
['B2_median_mean', 'B2_median_stdDev', 'B3_median_mean', 'B3_median_stdDev', 'B4_median_mean','B4_median_stdDev',
'B8_median_mean','B8_median_stdDev','slope_mean', 'slope_stdDev','DEV150_mean', 'DEV150_stdDev', 'DEV500_mean',
'DEV500_stdDev','DEV1000_mean', 'DEV1000_stdDev', 'WAM_mean', 'WAM_stdDev','REIP_mean', 'REIP_stdDev', 'NARI_mean',
'NARI_stdDev','NDWI_mean', 'NDWI_stdDev', 'EVI_mean', 'EVI_stdDev', 'ndvi_mean', 'ndvi_stdDev', 'CHM_mean',
var trainedRF = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest({numberOfTrees: 100}).train({
features: training,
classProperty: 'Class', //Name of the field with the class labels
print (trainedRF.explain());
var classifiedRF = Clusterstats.classify(trainedRF).float();