I have a raster of 0.25 degrees resolution. What's the right equation to determine how is the resolution in meters?
There isn't one. The true distance varies by pixel in both dimensions.– VinceCommented Feb 3 at 3:42
so actually what I did is that the raster spatial reference is GCS-WGS-1984 and I projected it to WGS 1984 UTM Zone 11N spatial reference, this converted the cell size to meters but I don't know if this approach is right.– OmabCommented Feb 3 at 4:07
Okay, but there still isn't a 1:1 correspondence between degrees and UTM pixels. The interpolation is a factor in whether it's "right" (more specifically, how not right it is), but you have nowhere near enough information in the Question to determine that.– VinceCommented Feb 3 at 4:21
Okay, got it thank you. How about if the resolution is in arc seconds, is it the same?– OmabCommented Feb 3 at 4:31
There are lat/lon legth calculators in the web, for example csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html.– user30184Commented Feb 3 at 13:12
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