on QGIS I would like to know if there is a way to set the grid coordinate display so that it would not overlap the map box or other coordinates like in this example :
2 Answers
In the Item properties of the specific Map of your Layout open grid and add a grid. Then Map Grid Properties and activate draw coordinates and change what you need for the axes.
No, I'm using the atlas layout with dynamic scales because my features are different size. So I need a way to dynamically change the interval of coordinates so that there is no visual overlap in the coordinate display of my maps.– tonydukyCommented Feb 5 at 9:17
Dinamically changing annotation interval, and preventing label overlap is two different things. I addressed both in my answer, but if you have further problems with changing the interval, please post it as a new question. Commented Feb 6 at 8:14
For QGIS 3.28, I see no way to do exactly what you ask in the GUI. However, if you place the coordinate annotations outside the map frame, there is a possible solution.
Scroll further down and tick Follow grid rotation
. The first to settings are irrelevant, since your grid is not actually rotated, you can leave those on default. The third setting, Margin from map corner
, specifies a distance, and coordinate annotations whose anchor point would be closer than this to the map corner will not be drawn.
The result is (note the not-drawn coordinates marked in yellow):
Unfortunately, it is a single set value affecting all annotations of a grid, and does not allow for data-defined override. You can make it a bit more flexible by using two separate grids to draw the X and Y annotation, whereby you can use different settings for the two axes.
Finally: if you want to dinamically change the annotation interval based on map scale, you can do it by data-defined override. Look for the symbol beside the interval setting fields.