I am trying to use field calculator within a model. In this formula I want to reference the output (temporary layer) of another step of the same model (output objektfilter_strassen_wege, which is named strassenpolygone_flurstuecke). Since this layer is not loaded in QGIS, I get no result. If I save the correct layer after running through the model and have the model repeated, I get a result. But that's not my goal! I want to get it the first time. I enter the following into the field calculator:
layer:= 'strassenpolygone_flurstuecke',
concatenator:=', ',
filter:=intersects($geometry, geometry(@parent))
should be called differently as input, I suspect. So not layer:=
but something else that suggests that it is a generated output. The second possibility that went through my head was to choose to save the layer strassenpolygone_flurstuecke
instead of the temporary layer. But even if I do this using the model, I don't get any result.