I am trying to do a Random Forest in Google Earth Engine. My data is unbalanced (more or less I have 3 times more points of one class) so I want to balance them. I tried to give different weights to my classes but it doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
Here is the code I am using:
var polygons = table4;
var sample = polygons.randomColumn();
var trainingsample = sample.filter('random <= 0.8');
var validationsample = sample.filter('random > 0.8');
var NoNull = trainingsample.filter(ee.Filter.notNull(trainingsample.first().propertyNames()));
print('Training sample', trainingsample);
print('Validation sample', validationsample);
var bands =['b1', 'b3', 'b4', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b9', 'b10', 'b11'];//Recordar canviar les bandes que es van a utilitzar segons el tipus de RF que anem a fer.
Map.addLayer (trainingsample,{color:'black'});
Map.addLayer (validationsample,{color:'white'});
//Definr pesos para equilibrar las clases
var weights = ee.Dictionary({
clase1: 1,
clase2: 2
//var RFclassifier = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest(500).train(training, 'Class');
var RFclassifier = ee.Classifier.randomForest({
numberOfTrees: 1000,
variablesPerSplit: 3,
minLeafPopulation: 1,
bagFraction: 0.5
classProperty: 'arboles',
inputProperties: ['bands'],
weights: 'weights'
print('Results of trained classifier', RFclassifier.explain());
I am new in using Google Earth Engine.