I have a shapefile with overlapping polygons and a set of rasters. I would like to summarize some statistics on my polygons. However, as my polygons are overlapping, to avoid issues with zonal_stats, I loop over the polygons of my shapefile. I also would like to loop over the rasters. This is the code I am using:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio
from rasterstats import zonal_stats
from shapely.geometry import shape
raster1=data_directory + '/path/raster1.tif'
raster2=data_directory + '/path/raster2.tif'
raster3=data_directory + '/path/raster3.tif'
RASTS = [raster1, raster2, raster3]
shapefile = gpd.read_file(data_directory + 'path/shapefile.shp')
dfs = []
for rast in RASTS:
stats_list = []
for index, row in shapefile.iterrows():
#Take the geometry of the current polygon
geometry = row['geometry']
#Create a GeoDataFrame with the current polygon
gdf_polygon = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[geometry], crs=shapefile.crs)
#Perform zonal_statistis on the current polygon
stats_results = zonal_stats(gdf_polygon, rast, stats = ['mean'])
#Append the statistics to the list
# Create a DataFrame for the current raster's statistics
df = pd.DataFrame(stats_list)
# Append the DataFrame to the list
# Concatenate the DataFrames along the columns
polygons_stats = pd.concat([shapefile] + dfs, axis=1)
The desired goal is to obtain my original shapefile with three columns containing the names of the rasters corresponding to the values of the three rasters. However, instead of the additional three columns, I obtain 6.177 columns called "mean". I have no idea of why this is happening and how I can fix it. Any suggestions?
I am using Python 3.9