I have layer in qgis. It has an attribute data_count (Integer) and a value (String).

When I filer for "value" ~ 'maximum-speed-limit' it works. When I filter for "data_count" > 10 it works as well. But when I use "data_count" > 5 AND "value" ~ 'maximum-speed-limit' it says error:

An error occurred when executing the query.
The data provider said:
OGR[3] error 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting end of string. Occurred around :
"data_count" > 5 AND "value" ~ 'maximum-speed-limit'

But if I don't use regexp, but use LIKE instead, it works perfectly : "data_count" > 5 AND "value" LIKE '%maximum-speed-limit%'

Why is that happening? I tried and see that other "more complicated" regexp expressions don't work either, like "value" ~'[0-9].*. But then why the simple "somevalue"~'sometext' works? I have read the QGIS documentation but the answer is not clear to me.

  • 1
    Where are you applying this expression, in which dialog?
    – Mayo
    Commented Mar 5 at 21:00
  • 1
    If this is the Layer Filter dialog, please also specify which filetype/datasource your layer is in (shp, gpkg, postgres etc.). I believe ~ is not supported in Layer Filter for OGR layers, (defaults to SQLite which does not support ~ unlike Postgres). Can you confirm that when you say "value" ~ 'maximum-speed-limit' works, it actually filters the results correctly, rather than just not throwing up an error message? Because with gpkg and a simple ~ expression, if I press Test it shows an error, but if I press OK it silently lets me through - however there are no filtered results.
    – she_weeds
    Commented Mar 6 at 3:13
  • It is an imported GeoJSON and I used it in the Layer Filter dialog. I am quite sure that I pressed "Test" and "Ok" as well and it worked, but today I cannot reproduce it. So I will just delete my question. Thanks for the answer!
    – 588chm
    Commented Mar 7 at 6:06


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