I have a CSV file with 3700 routes, with each route represented by a row and the respective co-ordinates of that route in the following format. Since the distance of each route varies, the no of lat-lon pairs also vary.
Row 1 : "[[12.91859, 77.63022], [12.91886, 77.63042], [12.919260000000001, 77.62893], [12.916970000000001, 77.62861], [12.916900000000002, 77.63031], [12.917740000000002, 77.63055], [12.918050000000003, 77.62994], [12.918270000000003, 77.62909], [12.917780000000004, 77.62892000000001], [12.917440000000004, 77.62933000000001], [12.917460000000004, 77.62886], [12.917490000000004, 77.62952], [12.918080000000005, 77.62966], [12.917890000000005, 77.63045], [12.918420000000005, 77.63020999999999]]"
Row 2 :"[[12.89207, 77.6037], [12.89289, 77.59886], [12.90052, 77.60102], [12.90511, 77.60176], [12.9083, 77.6002], [12.911430000000001, 77.59993], [12.93045, 77.60059], [12.94439, 77.60292], [12.94408, 77.60538], [12.94295, 77.60504]]" .
. Row 3700 : ........
I am aware of plotting and the method for a single lat lon pair, but in this case there are multiple pairs within a cell of varying pair lengths. The no. of rows are way too high for me to do it manually.
Once I could get them to plot as points, I will use the Point to Path function to obtain the line of the route. (I presume I also will need a common id for each route for that to work)