I'm looking to divide the world into grids using the Behrmann projection (CRS 'ESRI:54017'). I came across some R code that seems to do the job:
world_single_cell <- st_polygon(list(
rbind(c(-180, -90),
c(180, -90),
c(180, 90),
c(-180, 90),
c(-180, -90)
world_single_cell_sfc <- st_sfc(world_single_cell)
# Define the CRS for the world as WGS84 (EPSG:4326)
st_crs(world_single_cell_sfc) <- 4326
worldGrids <- world_single_cell_sfc %>%
st_transform("ESRI:54017") %>%
st_make_grid(n = 3426)
However, I'm unsure if this code is correct. Additionally, I'd like to adjust the number of grids based on the length of each grid cell. Specifically, I'm aiming for resolutions of 96.5 km × 96.5 km, 193 km × 193 km, and 385.9 km × 385.9 km, using equal-area Behrmann projection grids with dimensions of 1° × 1°, 2° × 2°, and 4° × 4° longitude at 30°N latitude.
How can I achieve this in R?