I am having a very frustrating problem in ArcMap. (This is all within the one enterprise geodatabase.)

I am trying to copy and paste a feature from one layer to another (similar layers). I have been following the Esri guide on how to and found the same answer on here.

The issue is that it says it will past into the new layer, after pasting it is in the new layer while selected. BUT when I clear selection the copied feature returns to the layer of the original feature.

I do not know what I am doing wrong. It is probably something simple. I have restarted my computer 3x so far.

  • 3
    Are you doing this in an edit session? Are both feature classes SDE (enterprise database)? Do you have write access to the 'paste' feature class or are you only a 'viewer' of that feature class? Does the paste to layer have a definition query that would exclude the pasted feature? (don't laugh, I've fallen into that trap and ended up with 30 invisible features). Have you tried the Copy Features tool resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.2/index.html#//… ? Commented May 23 at 23:47
  • 1
    Can you please edit your question to include a link to the related posts on GIS.SE and Esri so we're not making the same suggestions you've already got. The definition query is on the layer, right click on the layer in ArcMap, select properties and then the Definition Query tab. Commented May 23 at 23:57
  • 3
    Could it be that both layers have the same data source (feature class), but with different query definitions? In this case, you would be copying/pasting to the same feature class (even though a different layer), but the definition queries would make sure that the copied feature will only appear in the layer from which it was copied. To get around this, you would need to know what the definition queries on the layers are, and you would need to edit the pasted feature to match the definition query of the destination layer. Commented May 24 at 0:22
  • 3
    I've made the same mistake previously of pasting into a layer and having the definition query hide the feature. I strongly suggest that you answer your own question for future users who make the same mistake as you and I. Commented May 24 at 0:45
  • 3
    You should post your solution as an answer, not as part of the question (as suggested by MichaelStimson). Oh well, I've just posted the answer now instead. If it is correct, then mark it as correct (click the tick/check mark next to it). That way other people will know that this question is no longer requiring an answer. Commented May 24 at 1:46

1 Answer 1


That behaviour makes it seem to me that both layers have the same data source (ie, the same feature class), but with different query definitions. In this case, you would be copying/pasting to the same feature class (even though a different layer), but the definition queries would make sure that the copied feature will only appear in the layer from which it was copied.

To get around this, you would need to know what the definition queries on the layers are, and you would need to edit the pasted feature to match the definition query of the destination layer. You can see the definition query in the layer's Properties window.

Eg, if the two layers had the following definition queries:

Source Layer: NOTINUSE = 'N'

Destination Layer: NOTINUSE = 'Y'

Then in the layer's attributes table you would need to change the value of NOTINUSE from N to Y for a feature to cause it to disappear from the source layer and appear in the destination layer. (Or use the Attributes pane, instead of the Attributes table.)

It's worth noting that this is a common problem. Not just with copying features, but I often have the issue when creating new features and with appending features ('Append' tool). It still catches me off-guard and scratching my head sometimes, even after experiencing the issue many times. The feature(s) are created, but then disappear from both the map and the attributes table. Or the 'Append' tool finishes running successfully, but the features never appear on the map or in the attributes table. It can be very confusing until you remember that the layer has a definition query that is excluding them.

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